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Jeong, Youngjin



    • Ph.D (1989-1995): Seoul National University, Department of Fiber Engineering
    • M.S (1987-1989): Seoul National University, Department of Fiber Engineering
    • B.S (1983-1987): Seoul National University, Fiber Engineering

    • 2005-: Soongsil University, Department of Materials Science and Engineering, Professor
    • 2011-2012: Cornell University, Visiting Professor
    • 1998-2005: Kumoh National Institute of Technology, Professor
    • 2002-2003: Georgia Institute of Technology, Visiting Professor
    • 1995-1998: CSIRO, Australia, Researcher
Research Interests

Continuous Synthesis of Carbon Nanotube Assembly

  • CNT Film Heat Element
  • CNT Flexible Sensor
  • CNT Bulletproof materials

Secondary Lithium Batteries

  • Lithium-ion Battery
  • Wearable Battery
Lab. Overview

Nano Carbon Material Lab. (Carbon Lab.)
The Nano Carbon Materials Lab has the technology to continuously manufacture carbon nanotubes with excellent electrical properties, high mechanical strength, and thermal conductivity in various forms, such as fibers or films. We research the application of CNT to future industries, such as suits, electronic gloves, sensors, ultra-light power cables, and EMI shielding.